
I am Liam

I’m Liam

Founder and Tutor
Talk to Me

Online or Live Tutoring Services

  • Live Tutoring Experience:

    I have 4 years of tutoring experience regarding a wide range of subjects.

  • Tutoring Approach:

    I am able to employ various methods based on a student’s level; I used parallel examples.

  • Fees Expected:

    Free of charge.

  • Online Details:

    I use FaceTime video, Skype or Zoom for online tutoring sessions, but we can accommodate your specific needs.

  • Online Availability:

    Email us to find out (live tutoring is very limited and only provided in Los Angeles).

  • Academic Subjects:

    All your K-12 academic needs.

Our Tutoring Workflow

Shaping, Sprint, Practice, Execute


Identify the Problem

Tutor will identify the focus of the session


Breaking the Problem into Parts

Tutor will breakdown problems into manageable pieces


Setting an Agenda

Tutor will determine timeline progression & goals


Summary of Session

Have tutee summarize parallel problems & solutions

Top FAQ's

How do I book a tutor?
How much does a tutor cost?
Do you offer SAT/ACT prep?
What subjects do you tutor?
How can I become a tutor?
How software do you use to tutor?


Meet Our Tutees

High School Student
SandraHigh School Student
Middle School Student
JenniferMiddle School Student
Darrell college student
DarrellCollege Student